Thursday 31 October 2024

Happy Hallowe'en 2024!

 I'm just wishing everyone a blessed Samhain, a happy Hallowe'en - tonight, I will go for a wander in costume, then onward to Hallowe'en karaoke.  No costume contest for me this year - I like how my Santa Muerte costume turned out, but guaranteed, someone would do better than this in the room, so I'm just going to enjoy myself with minor, cheaper activities.  The club I might have gone to is a bit pricey, so I decided to save money and hit up a cheaper venue for some tunes.

I think I figured out what I like so much about Hallowe'en - while Christmas is very special for religious families, a lot of people find it frustrating because of the commercialism, which has taken away from the joy many have felt about the holidays.  Rich kids get more gifts than poorer kids, but there's something about Hallowe'en where you don't even need to have a lot of money as a child to have a good time - if one is creative enough, a costume can be made well on a budget, and part of Hallowe'en is about delighting in the qualities we want to take on and explore in ourselves, even if for just one night a year.  It's gotten bigger and bigger, and now, at least in some regions, all of October is dedicated to costume parties, spooky decorating, and Hallowe'en themed events.  This may or may not be due to goth pop culture, but it has shaped to be more interesting with time, regardless.  Having been a kid who was raised in the theatre, it's another opportunity for me to have fun with costumes, not that I don't delight in alternative fashion all the time anyway.

Whatever you do tonight, have a good time out there - just stay away from ouija boards!


Saturday 19 October 2024

"A Nightmare on Roncesvalles 3"...

I was accepted into the art show "A Nightmare on Roncesvalles 3"!  I will be dropping "Medusa" off on Tuesday, the art opening is on Thursday, October 24th from 6-10 pm at Northern Contemporary art gallery.  If you want to check it out, please come - the theme is all things Hallowe'en, so I thought Medusa would work, and sure enough, they took my piece.

I feel closer to Christ as of late, like my channeling is getting a clearer translation of Spirit.  There is still bound to be ramblings from the subconscious, but the feeling of a great love coming through is stronger now, and it seems like my dark night of the soul is lifting.  I think the mushrooms relieved a major burden, but I also swear by my silly alcohol blessings.  I continue to keep it light with mostly lagers so that I don't suffer as a body, but I bless every drink and can still feel shivers up the spine when I do it.  I've also dabbed myself with consecrated oils here and there, feeling shivers from that as well.  We are about to go into the dark season in Canada, so it would be nice if I could feel positive, despite my ongoing battle with roaches (sigh) and the loss of my dear friend in August.  The cold isn't the worst thing, but the darkness is really dreary for a solar worshipper like me.

November is one of my least favourite months, because Hallowe'en fun is over, and Christmas is gearing up, which I mostly don't like because of the commercialism.  In November, you get all the Christmas stuff out in the stores, but not the actually holiday, which can be nice with family.  December isn't that bad, I'd say my least favourite month is February, but January is a drag, too.

A friend and I might travel to Mexico City in the new year to get away for a little bit - I can afford it, based on what she's describing for a typical trip.


Sunday 6 October 2024

Success at the art show...

Amazing news!

Two of my pieces sold at "Woman, Man, Myth and Magic" - "The 7 Directions" sold on Friday, and "The Brazen Bull" sold last night.  This is incredibly satisfying for me, and hopeful for my art career, which I was worried would be hard to get going again, after that lengthly hiatus I took.  That's 4 pieces sold in Super Wonder Gallery since I began working with them last year.  Excellent!

My Santa Muerte costume turned out better than I thought it would - a friend and I were hungry and decided to grab food at a nearby Mexican place, and I was just hoping no one found a gringo type dressed as Santa Muerte to be an offensive thing to see in a Mexican restaurant, but no one seemed to mind.  Last night was also Nuit Blance, but I decided to just head home shortly before midnight, feeling tired.

The next Super Wonder Gallery show is a Christmas time event where little pieces about any subject matter will be sold, and I have several I could include, so I'm already set for that.  I am not sure if I got into "A Nightmare on Roncesvalles" yet, but that might be my next art opening.


Thursday 3 October 2024

Experiment with the Anglican rosary...

My Anglican rosary
Recently, I went to St James Cathedral for Anglican mass, something I should do more often, but I usually work a night shift the Saturday before, and often feel like sleeping in.  But last time, I met someone who gave me an Anglican rosary, after I admitted that I had never owned one, or prayed one before.

I was practising it today, when I contemplated how one can ask Christ for Holy Communion even when not receiving communion from a priest at church, so I decided to ask that I receive Communion with every prayer on every bead of this and other rosaries and chaplets.  After trying it, I felt a strong sense of having received many blessings, and wondered if I had discovered an interesting Christian technique for prayer.  I am sure others have done the same, but if anyone reading this is interested, I recommend giving it a shot, if you are into praying rosaries.  When contemplating litanies for the same, as an example, I got that it could work for the litany itself, but not like with the rosary, which has better structure for it.  I have already done consumption of blessed alcohol for a kind of sip by sip Holy Communion ritual, and that seemed to work, so now I'm trying it with the rosary.  Jesus feels closer and closer all the time, so I must be doing something right.

My version of Christianity is experimental, so I keep trying things like this to bend the rules of what traditional Christians would recommend.  The result is eclecticism with a strong Christian foundation.


Wednesday 2 October 2024

Art show this weekend!

"Woman, Man, Myth and Magic" is this weekend at The Super Wonder Gallery.  I dropped off the paintings on Sunday - it looks like there's going to be some really great stuff in this show, two friends also have pieces featured.  Of the handful of art shows I have participated in this year, this is the one I'm looking forward to the most.  I have priced "Hecate" at $200.00, "The 7 Directions" at $150.00, and "The Brazen Bull" at $400.00.  What a great way to start off October!

I finished off what remained of the mushrooms, and oddly enough, the last dose didn't really feel like much of anything.  Perhaps it's a sign I won't be needing them anymore, I have decided not to purchase another bag, at least for now.  But I think they really worked for expanding consciousness a bit more, and for helping solve levels of pain in the lower mind.  Conventional psychiatric medicine just doesn't cut it, I don't have an ear to listen to for my troubles right now that I feel would work (I'm a really unusual case that would require a specialist), so I am playing psychiatrist with myself to solve this.  As risky as that might sound to people, it's been working, because sitting around on antipsychotics did nothing but keep me miserable.

July was a turning point for shedding pain, and although August was a bit of a bitch, hope returned in September after the mushrooms experiment.


Monday 16 September 2024

Leaving the Mushroom Kingdom...

I feel like I have completed my usage of mushrooms for the time being - I consumed most of the 7G bag over the course of two weeks.  There's still a bit left, but I got a strong sense I had gotten what I needed out of them.  August was just a really sad month for me, I am sorry I mused about suicide again on here, it's something I struggle with, feeling odd about life, what it's been, the uncertainty of my career, and the stresses of low income.  The mushrooms helped lift a funk of sorrow that was affecting me, and I feel my mind shifted to be a bit stronger.  Never did I go higher than just over a gram, and I felt that half a gram even was enough.  This seems to be a medicine I am sensitive to, and I don't even like the psilocybin experience, but the results were worth it.  I am still not smoking marijuana anymore, except for that one time in August where I grabbed some CBD, when I was dealing with the roaches.  I don't think I will be doing it again, I don't feel much from CBD, and I just don't find THC therapeutic at this point, although it was helping for a time, at least with lifestyle and getting back into art.

I know I could really use a vacation, but I'm trying to pad my TFSA for a while, to build up a nest egg, so I am only going to travel if a cheap opportunity comes my way.  It would certainly be very good for me, though - the monotony of my situation is getting to me, and I could stand to change my location, even if just for one week.

October looks to be a fun month ahead - with things I'm planning, it usually is.  We have plans for several parties, outings to pop up Hallowe'en bars, gallery shows, and so on.  November is often a drag for me, but October is one of my favourite months, if only it were warmer!  My Santa Muerte costume is ready, I just need to try it all on to be sure - easiest costume I have done in a while.

The omnibus remains an ongoing project, and I can't see it coming out this year, but it's still underway.  I am running low on copies of "Asylum Squad: (The Complete!) Jung Ones"... not sure if I'll reprint those, or just do the omnibus.


Tuesday 10 September 2024

New piece: "Hecate"...


Here's my other entry for the witch themed art show coming up in October.  I'm ok with it, but I need to learn to slow down when I paint.  Being a propmaker for years meant I learned to paint fast for deadlines.  I am also super neurotic, so maybe that's another reason I rush to finish pieces.  But I like the psychedelic background, the colours, and the line work.  12 x 12", acrylics and paint pens on canvas - I might sell this for $200.00.  (There's just a little bit more line work to do on the sides.)

There is also another art show I submitted to, later in October - it's Hallowe'en themed, I submitted Medusa, here's hoping I get in!

Magic mushrooms are really helping, BTW - I have been working away at that 7G bag incrementally, and already I feel something cleaner in the mind.  Thank God for Shroomyz - now it's easy to get this medicine.
